Why do some losses drive us into despair, while others we face with equanimity? I believe the answer is unrelated to the “depth of love” (a meaningless expression), but rather to how integral the person was to the fabric of our life. I remember the passing of each of my parents. I’d lived away from them for many years and so my everyday existence was unaffected. I quickly returned to my life, sad but composed. Imagine the essence of your life as a large piece of fabric and that of those you care about a different piece. In most relationships, like mine with my parents, the fabrics are intertwined but yet still distinct. Intermingled but fully separate. And so, despite the loss, your own fabric is unharmed. You still are very much who you were and your life as it was. But now imagine a different relationship where the fabrics, rather than being intertwined, have become joined together in place...
a personal journey in search of peace